
Flashback Review: Allure by Nina Lane

Title: Allure
Series: Spiral of Bliss #2
Author: Nina Lane
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Publisher: Snow Queen Publishing

Pub Date: May 2014
Rating: 2.5 Stars

Our thoughts...

This was just okay for me. I have issues with the flow, as with the first book. There are moments when an event in history is mentioned, cuing a flashback only to not flash back. Other times there are flashbacks thrown in at seemingly random times. 

The sex scenes were almost relentless and repetitive. The abundance of long sex scenes reminds me of a discussion between Liv and Dean towards the end regarding how they may be "using an intense sexual relationship as a substitute for connecting on emotional and intellectual levels." The exact same thing could be said about this story. 

I'll finish the series but I wish I was already done.

Allure on Goodreads
Allure on Amazon


  1. Thanks for your honesty I felt the same way and was feeling like maybe it was just me, but I totally agree, t me I just can't enjoy a book if it is sex every other page and for pages at a time, thank you!

  2. Thanks for your honesty I felt the same way and was feeling like maybe it was just me, but I totally agree, t me I just can't enjoy a book if it is sex every other page and for pages at a time, thank you!

  3. I'm with you! I'm all for it when it's relative but it can get obnoxious and boring after awhile. I'm glad i'm not alone! ~Jenny
