
Review: The Affiliate by K.A. Linde

Title: The Affiliate
Author: K.A. Linde

Genre: Fantasy
Publisher: K.A. Linde

Pub Date: September 15, 2015
Rating: 5 Stars

Our thoughts...

Can you imagine stepping outside of the normalcy of your life to go beyond what you deem is real? I can, and I did.
The Affiliate is a deeply layered novel that has an interesting storyline from one of Fantasy that is full of colors, and represents very minute details.

It’s Cyrene’s day of presenting to which she will be assigned a duty as a First, Second or Third class citizen of the kingdom. She is deemed with a letter that is a riddle right before her duty is to be chosen. Cyrene thinks it’s not really important, when that could be farther from the truth. Things begin at a fast pace, and the story moves quickly.

Once she has been chosen to be an Affiliate, King Edric and Prince Kael vie for her affection. To say she can be swept off of her feet is not something I would consider with her personality, however, when in King Edric’s presence the two of them have a pull like no other. I would dare say I have my suspicions about the two of them, but for now I will keep it to myself, and let it play out. Perhaps you will see what I mean once you read it.

Prince Kael is quite annoying and rather than play the gentleman like King Edric he insists on getting Cyrene’s notice in one form or another. The thing is, Cyrene has no inclination to give Prince Kael the time of day.

Queen Kaliana is Cyrene’s receiver, and let’s just say the Queen is not a nice person. She gives Cyrene a rather dull task for her first job, and like I mentioned before things happen to pique Cyrene’s interest in what her letter was about, not to mention the oddities of a book she has been holding onto since her presenting.  Murders begin to happen after her Presenting, and everyone is in quite a stir about why it is happening. We read through the story, and we get answers that start making more sense. People, places, and things all start to head in a direction where we can see a takeoff. Don’t get me wrong, there are still a lot of things we know nothing about, but during this first part of the set-up we, as an outsider, can see the realm of possibility.

Consort Daufina, Maelia, Ahlvie, and Rhea are all important characters to the story as well. I find myself still wondering what parts they have to play in this story. I feel like these supporting characters are part of Cyrene’s team for her undiscovered truth. All put in place for a specific reason.

I read this story slowly. I had to, there was no other way around it. Every single detail hashed out in this book…means something. You think that little object’s don’t count, that it’s just descriptive detail, but it’s not. This is why if Fantasy is done well, it will blow your mind in the smallest way. It’s so hard to write this review knowing what I found, and wondering if you can do the same. I feel like I am in a game of Clue with this novel. It’s exciting, and fascinating at the same time. 

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