
Anjee's Review: A Court of Mist and Fury by Sarah J. Maas

Title: A Court of Mist and Fury
Author: Sarah J. Maas
Genre: Fantasy Romance
Publisher: Bloomsbury

Pub Date: May 3, 2016
Rating: 5 Stars

Our thoughts...

“So I’m your huntress and thief?” ---“You are my salvation, Feyre.”  --- *Insert swooning giph*

That line was one of many in the next installment of the Court series. I have been waiting on this baby for a year. I am going to try something a little different. I don’t want to spoil the whole book, but there is going to be no possible way to keep from it. So for a full warning. After the break, there will be a tiny spoil  because I just have to tell you how I felt the whole time. 

I want to thank two ladies who listened to me rant, rave, giphy, and emoji the hell out of them while I read this. My good friend Kyla who devoured it so fast I hadn’t even gotten to chapter 18 by the time she finished, but it was good she did because she didn’t want me spoiling the hell out of her the whole time, she probably would have MURDERED me *laughs*. Speaking of which there are 69 *hehe* Chapters in this book. Yes over 600 pages, so, it took me half a week to get through every single morsel. Thank you JV for reading along with me. Even though you were technically “listening”(She did the audio version and will no doubt have fantastic things to say about that). At one point she messaged me that she pulled over in a parking lot during a particular scene *laughs* YEAH. If I could screenshot our whole Private Message during the read, I would. It was full of every single emotion possible. I hope you enjoy my review.

This book was everything to me. It is at this moment in time the best book I have read my entire life. It has everything in it that I love.  Kings, Queens, Love, Angst, Action, and family. The world Maas created is unforgettable. Every little detail is worked out with minute detail. There were chapters that I read over more than once. And there were plenty of passages I read over and over before continuing. What book does that? I’ve never found one. Sure I have read plenty of stories, but nothing that ever had me so invested in words. Maas is a wordplay genius, and I devoured the game.

“And I was not a mouse. I was a wolf.”--- No, you weren’t Feyre. This was your turning point. You rocked my fucking socks off with your character development in this book.

In light of reading it yourself. Just know things are not as the seem with Tamlin, then Rhysand comes floating in the picture for their bargain. (Feyre and Rhys ACOTAR deal) To say there is a development with Rhysand and Feyre is an understatement.

“You sent that music into my cell. Why?” Rhysand’s voice was hoarse. “Because you were breaking. And I couldn’t find another way to save you.” – And this is just the beginning of a long story.

There is, of course, something major going down, and Rhysand needs Feyre’s help. Feyre is a little more than what one could expect after the saving of the high lords. She eventually agrees to help, and then she stays…ß I can’t spoil any more.

Mor is still impressive; Ameren is one of the best-supporting characters I have read, Lucien is still himself but somewhat distant, Cassian and Azriel are something else, and of course we are blessed with seeing Feyre’s sisters again Nesta and Elaine.

This book is ten times that of the first. I will be recommending this book for the rest of my life. So please don’t hesitate.

“Why does anything cling to something? Maybe they love wherever they’re going so much that it’s worth it. Maybe they’ll keep coming back, until there’s only one start left. Maybe that one star will make the trip forever, out of the hope that someday--if it keeps coming back often enough--another star will find it again.” 

5 billion stars.

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