
Jenny's Audio Slave Review: Kulti by Mariana Zapata

Title: Kulti
Author: Mariana Zapata
Genre: Contemporary Sports Romance
Publisher: Mariana Zapata

Pub Date: March 20, 2015
Story Rating: 4 Stars
Narrator Rating: 4 Stars

Our thoughts...

This is the second book of Zapata’s that I’ve been cruising through lately and I enjoyed it. The heroine is strong and admirable, and the hero is a brute on the outside and a loyal softy on the inside. This dynamic leads to a lot of engaging, entertaining, and fun scenes. 

There are two things about Zapata’s writing that I am really growing to love and anticipate. The first is her ability to write a familiar story from a unique perspective. The themes may feel familiar, but they come to life in a way that I’m finding is very distinctive to the author. The second is the humor; I get a kick out of the sense of humor her female leads have. They are bold, hilarious, and try so hard to be polite on the outside while being far more colorful on the inside. It draws me in and makes me laugh a lot. 

The narrator does a fine job with accents and foreign language (as far as my simple ears can tell). It appears the same narrator does all of Zapata's books and she hasn't let me down yet. Definitely a strong, solid, consistent narrator. 

I am really enjoying my ride through Zapata’s books and I can see why she has such a strong following. I recommend picking up this book if you want a good laugh, a captivating plot, and a well-portrayed sports setting. 

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