
Terri's Review: Sex, Not Love by Vi Keeland

Title: Sex, Not Love
uthor: Vi Keeland
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Publisher: C. Scott Publishing

Pub Date: January 15, 2018
Rating: 4 Stars

Our thoughts...

I finally read and finished  a book in 2018!!! I've been in a HUGE book funk since I finished Sinful Empire by Meghan March. The kind of book funk where you can't read because everything is just blah. Every book I picked up I stopped reading. UNTIL I was sent Sex, not Love. I devoured this book in one sitting. Vi can always pull me out of a book funk. 

Hunter and Natalia story is intoxicating, extremely heartfelt, and super sexy. I'm talking about the kind of sexy that kicks you right in the heart with all the feelings that are rushing through you at once. If you are looking for a book that will suck you in from page one this is it!

I'm sad that I finished as quickly as I did because I'm back in the book funk. 

This is a must read!!

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