Ashley's Review: Ruthless Princess by Rachel Van Dyken

Title: Ruthless Princess
Series: Mafia Royals #1

Author: Rachel Van Dyken
Genre: New Adult
Publisher: Van Dyken Enterprises INC

Pub Date: May 19, 2020
Rating: 5 Stars

Our thoughts...

Ruthless Princess is raw and emotional and oh so good. I absolutely love the cover! This book was so much more than I was expecting.  They abide by rules that are not supposed to be broken. Rachel Van Dyken sure knows how to write a mafia story. Serena and Junior have gone through a lot to be together. Serena and Junior are the heirs to their mafia families. You can be friends with the other families just don’t fall for one. There were so many twists and turns along the way I didn’t see coming. I loved this book and all the characters and can’t wait for more from this series. 

Ashley's Review: Every Little Piece of Me by Lexi Ryan

Title: Every Little Piece of Me
Series: Orchard Valley #1

Author: Lexie Ryan
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Publisher: Lexi Ryan Books

Pub Date: May 19, 2020
Rating: 5 Stars

Our thoughts...

After reading the blurb for this book I knew I had to get my hands on it. Every Little Piece of Me was more than I was expecting. This book kept me up late into the night reading when I should be sleeping. 

Ashley's Review: Fight for Me by Corinne Michaels

Title: Fight for Me
Series: Arrowood Brothers #2

Author: Corinne Michaels
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Publisher: BAEE Publishing

Pub Date: May 19, 2020
Rating: 5 Stars

Our thoughts...

This series just keeps getting better and better. Corinne Michaels broke my heart and put it back together. She has a way of doing that with the most beautiful stories. 

I loved Declan and Sydney’s story. I am a huge fan of second chance romances. Make sure you have tissues ready. Fight for Me was one heck of a journey. I can’t wait for the next book in this series. This series is a Must Read!

Teaser: The Girl in the Love Song by Emma Scott

An angsty, emotional, coming-of-age romance that will put your heart through the wringer. The Girl in the Love Song releases June 7!  
⭐️⭐️⭐️BLURB ⭐️⭐️⭐️
Miller Stratton is a survivor. After a harrowing childhood of poverty, he will do anything it takes to find security for himself and his mom. He’s putting all his hopes and dreams in the fragile frame of his guitar and the beauty he creates with its strings and his soulful voice.
Until Violet.
No one expects to meet the love of their life at age thirteen. But the spunky rich girl steals Miller’s heart and refuses to give it back.
Violet McNamara’s life hasn’t been as simple as it looks. Her picture-perfect family is not so perfect after all. Her best friend Miller is her one constant and she is determined not to ruin their friendship with romantic complications.
But the heart wants what it wants. As Miller’s star begins to rise to stratospheric heights, what will it take for Violet to realize that she’s the girl in all of his love songs?

Terri's Review: Southern Storm by Natasha Madison

Title: Southern Storm
Series: Southern Series #3

Author: Natasha Madison
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Publisher: Natasha Madison

Pub Date: May 19, 2020
Rating: 3.5  Stars

Our thoughts...

Finally!!! I’ve been waiting for Savannah and Beau to get with the program.

Terri's Review: Fourth a Lie by Pepper Winters

Title: Fourth a Lie
Series: Goddess Isle #4

Author: Pepper Winters
Genre: Dark  Romance
Publisher: Pepper Winters

Pub Date: May 19, 2020
Rating: 4 Stars

Our thoughts...

Dang!  This series is a ride and not a nice relaxing Sunday drive where you stop and get ice cream and laugh… more of a grab the o’shoot bar, say a prayer and hold on tight for this roller-coaster ride!

Cover Reveal: We Were Once by S.L. Scott