Teaser: Hollywood Prince by Kim Karr
He wasn't mine.
He might never be mine.
But right in this
moment...it felt like he was.
Hollywood Prince
releases Jan 2nd.
Pre-order links:
Amazon: Available Release
B&N: http://bit.ly/2hx0JcLwasn't
Teaser: Hollywood Prince by Kim Karr
Brooklyn James was better than any fantasy I had ever had of him. Hollywood Prince by Kim Karr releasing on January 2, 2017.
Jenny's Review: One Hot December by Tiffany Reisz
Series: Men at Work #3
Author: Tiffany Reisz
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Publisher: Harlequin Blaze
Pub Date: November 22, 2016
Rating: 4.25 Stars
Our thoughts...
One Hot December is the third and final installment in Tiffany Reisz's Men at Work trilogy for Harlequin Blaze. All three are quick, sexy standalone reads that fit the Blaze line of stories perfectly. One Hot December is my favorite of the three and you can find the prequel story on Harlequin's website (it's free!).
Jenny's Audio Slave Review: Bad Boy by Elliot Wake
Author: Elliot Wake (FMA: Leah Raeder)
Genre: New adult, suspense, LGBTQ
Publisher: Atria
Pub Date: December 6, 2016
Story Rating: 5 Stars
Narration Rating: 4 Stars
Our thoughts...
Bad Boy is a suspenseful, insightful, provocative read that I strongly recommend picking up. It is centered around a transgender guy named Ren who is a popular vlogger by day and the muscles of a vigilante group by night. Conflict arises in both facets of his life as well as demons from the past and present.
Polly's Review: The Spire by Kate Canterbary
Series: Walsh Series Book 6
Author: Kate Canterbary
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Publisher: Vesper Press
Pub Date: December 13. 2016
Rating: 5 Stars
Our thoughts...
Y'all this book!!! It was everything I needed from Erin's story. It's going to be so hard to write a review without giving anything away but I will try.
Anjee's Review: Fates Entwined by Jules Barnard
Title: Fates Entwined
Series: Halven Rising #2
Author: Jules Barnard
Genre: Fantasy YA Romance
Publisher: Fresh Fiction
Pub Date: November 14, 2016
Rating: 4 Stars
Our thoughts...
I read quite a bit of fantasy, and I read quite a bit
of PNR. This series has a little bit of both.
While they could be written differently, to me, they are one in the same
sometimes. That’s exactly what the author gives us.
We are in the Fae world, and I must admit I didn’t
read book one. I accidently started book two, but that didn’t really matter because the author did a splendid job catching the reader up to what had
happened previously in book one.
Anjee's Review: Midnight Devine by Valerie Roesler
Title: Midnight Divine
Series: The Helio Trilogy #1
Author: Valerie Roeseler
Genre: Paranormal Romance
Publisher: Valerie Roeseler
Pub Date: April 12, 2016
Rating: 3.5 Stars
Our thoughts...
I’m a lover of Paranormal Romance. It’s one thing I can’t
seem to get enough of, so when a debut
author messaged me about reading, I was
intrigued. The premise is about a girl named Ivy and her finding out who she
is. All the while a guy named Jack Roe keeps her in his sights, and for a good reason. He has secrets too.
Anjee's Review: Punk 57 by Penelope Douglas
Title: Punk 57
Author:Penelope Douglas
Genre: New Adult Romance
Publisher: Penelope Douglas
Pub Date: October 21, 2016
Rating: 5 Stars
Our thoughts...
I don’t even know where to begin, but I know where I
end. This novel was excellent. The highs and lows were incredible. It’s been
awhile since I have stayed up till wee hours in the morning reading a gem like
this. I am now one hundred percent a fan of Penelope Douglas.
Jenna's Review: Sold To My Father's Friend by Cara Chance
Author: Cara Chance
Genre: Erotic Romance
Pub Date: November 2, 2016
Rating: 3.5 Stars
Our thoughts...
I signed up for a early review of this book and with some family issues I was unable to meet the deadline. With that being said I'm so glad I got to read this little gem. Its super short with only 87 pages. I really loved the story line. This is not a dark read. I wish Cara Chance would write a full length novel about these two characters.
Terri's Review: Yours to Bare by Jessica Hawkins
Author: Jessica Hawkins
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Publisher: Jessica Hawkins
Pub Date: December 8, 2016
Rating: 4 Stars
Our thoughts...
Finn Cohen, he was my guy in Slip of the Tongue. I wanted him with Sadie, to the point that I
might have been a bit bitter. He’s such a romantic; I wanted him to have that
once in a life time love. Needless to say I was thrilled when I
heard that Jessica was writing his book.
I will say it’s perfect!
Terri's Review: Scarlet Stone by Jewel E. Ann
Author: Jewel E. Ann
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Publisher: Jewel E. Ann
Pub Date: December 10, 2016
Rating: 3.75 Stars
Our thoughts...
This book is full of ups and downs, love and hate,
anger and forgiveness, lies and truths. It will be a ride that you will not
forget anytime soon.
Ashley's Review: Yours to Bare by Jessica Hawkins
Author: Jessica Hawkins
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Publisher: Jessica Hawkins
Pub Date: December 8, 2016
Rating: 4 Stars
Our thoughts...
Yay we get more Finn! I loved Finn in Slip of the Tongue and
hoped he would finally get the girl. I was so excited we were going to get his
story and knew I was going to love it.
Release Blitz & Giveaway: Scarlet Stone by Jewel E. Ann
Title: Scarlet Stone
Author: Jewel E Ann
Genre: A romantic suspense standalone
Release Date: December 10th, 2016
Terri's Review: Hit The Spot by J. Daniels
Series: Dirty Deeds #2
Author:J. Daniels
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Publisher: Forever
Pub Date: December 6, 2016
Rating: 4 Stars
Our thoughts...
This is what happened when smart and sassy meets a cocky and hot surfer!
Terri's Review: Womanizer by Katy Evans

Series: Manwhore #4
Author: Katy Evans
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Publisher: Katy Evans
Pub Date: December 5, 2016
Rating: 3.75 Stars
Our thoughts...
I love the
Manwhore series and couldn’t wait to read the follow up books; Ladies Man (Tahoe's story) and Womanizer (Callan's Story). Callan is the
unattainable playboy, the one your mother or best friend warns you about.
Beneath the façade is a man waiting for the right woman to come along he just
doesn’t know it yet.
Ashley's Review: Hit the Spot by J. Daniels
Series: Dirty Deeds #2
Author: J. Daniels
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Publisher: Forever (Grand Central Publishing)
Pub Date: December 6, 2016
Rating: 4 Stars
Our thoughts...
This series was off to a great start with Four Letter Word
so I knew Hit the Spot would be good. After meeting Tori in the first book I
was really excited for a book with her. She is quite the character.
Cover Reveal: Until It Fades by K.A. Tucker
UNTIL IT FADES is a contemporary romance novel featuring K.A. Tucker’s signature heart-stopping suspense releasing May 2nd, 2017 and being published by Atria Books!
Check out the gorgeous cover below and preorder your copy today!
Release Tour & Giveaway: Bad Boy by Elliot Wake
Happy release week to BAD BOY by ELLIOT WAKE
(formerly Leah Raeder)
“Wake presents an intense, suspenseful, and unusual tale of romantic suspense that will make readers question their perceptions of gender and relationships.”
—Booklist (starred review)
“Wake…writes with abandon and razor-sharp wit…a fast-paced, mind-bending romantic thriller from an author with humor, heart, and big writing muscles.”
—Kirkus (starred review)
“This erotic and suspenseful tale offers illuminating—and often heartbreaking—insight into the psychology of its transgender protagonist and compels readers to question their conceptions about gender and desire.”
—Publishers Weekly
Terri's Review: After We Fall by Melanie Harlow

Author: Melanie Harlow
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Publisher: Melanie Harlow
Pub Date: November 28, 2016
Rating: 5 Stars
Our thoughts...
I honestly don’t know what to write other than read
this book! The characters are so human, flawed and completely lovable. I was
sad when I read ‘The End’. I was seriously hoping to find out that there was
going to be a second book for Jack and Margot, even though I hate not knowing a
book is part of a series or duet ahead of time. This book was my exception.
Jenna's review: Find Me Alastar by T.L. Swan
Author: T.L. Swan
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Pub Date: October 30, 2016
Rating: Stars
Our thoughts...
I’ve wanted this book for a while! I loved T.L's Stanton series and I was super excited about this new book! It did not disappoint. VERY different then the Stanton series but still so good!
Polly's Review: Downed by Jen Frederick
Series: Gridiron #3
Author: Jen Frederick
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Publisher: Pear Tree
Pub Date: December 1, 2016
Rating: 5 Stars
Our thoughts...
First of all that cover? *swoon*
I'll be the first to admit that I hated Ace in the last book. HATED him. I thought he was a self involved manwhore that could never be redeemed? You know my favorite types of books are the ones when I'm proved wrong!! Jen F. made me a believer and a Ace lover!
I'll be the first to admit that I hated Ace in the last book. HATED him. I thought he was a self involved manwhore that could never be redeemed? You know my favorite types of books are the ones when I'm proved wrong!! Jen F. made me a believer and a Ace lover!
Polly's Review: A Veil of Vines by Tillie Cole
Author: Tillie Cole
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Publisher: Tillie Cole
Pub Date: November 27, 2016
Rating: 4 Stars
Our thoughts...
I went into to this one after already knowing that a few of my friends didn't like it so I was a little scared that I would follow the same path but to my surprise I found that I actually enjoyed it. |
Release Blitz: After We Fall by Melanie Harlow

After We Fall by Melanie Harlow Publication Date: November 28th, 2016 Genre: Contemporary Romance
Spotlight & Excerpt: Too Hot to Handle by Tessa Bailey
Previously released as an eBook in May 2016, the first book in Tessa Bailey’s Romancing the Clarksons series is now available in print for the first time!
When rescue looks like a whole lot of trouble . . .
The road trip was definitely a bad idea. Having already flambéed her culinary career beyond recognition, Rita Clarkson is now stranded in God-Knows-Where, New Mexico, with a busted-ass car and her three temperamental siblings, who she hasn't seen in years. When rescue shows up—six-feet-plus of hot, charming sex on a motorcycle—Rita's pretty certain she's gone from the frying pan right into the fire . . .
Jasper Ellis has a bad boy reputation in this town, and he loathes it. The moment he sees Rita, though, Jasper knows he's about to be sorely tempted. There's something real between them. Something raw. And Jasper has only a few days to show Rita that he isn't just for tonight—he's forever.
“So.” He plunked his beer down on the bar. “Where were you four headed in that big, rusty Suburban before Hurley reeled you in?”
She looked pensive as her shit-stomping boots started to sway back and forth, bumping the wooden rungs of the stool. “We need to be in Coney Island by New Year’s Day. So we can jump into the Atlantic Ocean.”
“Why—what?” He dropped onto the stool beside her, his drink forgotten on the bar. “That’s pretty high on the list of things I didn’t expect.”
“Oh, I know the feeling.” A beat passed. “It was our mother’s last wish.”
“I’m sorry.”
She nodded, brushing her hair back in a jerky motion, as if she were uncomfortable having someone’s undivided attention. He’d never had cause to use the word preposterous before, but that was the only way he could describe her lack of confidence. Despite the inappropriate name, the Liquor Hole was his life’s work, and, at the moment, it was nothing more than an unworthy backdrop for Rita. And, God, he was staring at her hands like an aggressive palm reader. “Most mothers want to avoid having their children turn into floating ice sculptures. What was her reason?”
“Good question.” A hint of sadness winked in her eyes, and Jasper wished he’d let the subject drop. This was what happened when he avoided talking about sex. He stumbled right into deceased parents. And yet he wasn’t sorry. Not even a little bit. He wanted to know everything. “I think…she meant it as some sort of symbolic bonding experiment. But I don’t know. We’re kind of unbondable.”
“Got the feeling I interrupted a near-melee this afternoon.”
“Aaron called my soufflé decent.” A strand of dark hair caught on her lips when she shook her head. It took one hundred percent of his impulse control not to tug it away, but she beat him to it, anyhow. “It sounds silly now.”
“Nah.” Jasper couldn’t help leaning in to get a whiff of cooking spices. “He would have had it coming just for dressing like a preacher on a weekday.”
Another one of those quiet, smoky laughs. “I guess there’s a fine line between politician and preacher.”
“Politician?” Jasper shivered, then recalled the threat Rita’s brother had leveled at his head back on the highway. “Still, I can’t help but like him for wanting you safe from a stranger. He can’t be all that bad if he worries about you.”
“Worried might be an exaggeration,” Rita said.
When her golden-brown gaze lit on his mouth, Jasper realized he’d moved into her personal space without any conscious thought. One of her knees brushed the denim covering his hip and, God help him, if the bar were empty he would’ve been between her split thighs before she could call for Jesus. For someone who hadn’t felt more than a passing appreciation for the opposite sex in years, his libido was sure trying to play catch-up tonight.
“What are you thinking about?”
Lie. He had to lie. I want to strip you down and fuck you on this seat, but I’m trying my hand at being a gentleman, was not an acceptable line. It was too aggressive when she seemed spooked merely from his close proximity. But she was leaving, leaving his town tomorrow, and the slow-game option had been ambitious for Jasper when he knew nothing about it. So he’d tell the truth while leaving out the oh-so-dirty reality in his pants. “I was thinking it would have been a goddamn shame if you’d broken down one town over.” His voice was gravel, so he cleared it. “More than a shame. I’m kind of finding it hard to think about, if you want to know the truth.”
For long moments, he couldn’t hear a single sound in the loud bar. No music, no crunching ice or raucous laughter. And, somehow, he knew she couldn’t hear the noise, either. It was there in the perplexity of her expression. He expected her to call bullshit or make a joke, but she didn’t. She shocked him instead.
“I’ll think I’ll take that kiss now.”
Too Hot To Handle, #1
Too Wild To Tame, #2
Too Hard To Forget, #3
Tessa Bailey is originally from Carlsbad, California. The day after high school graduation, she packed her yearbook, ripped jeans, and laptop, and drove cross-country to New York City in under four days. Her most valuable life experiences were learned thereafter while waitressing at K-Dees, a Manhattan pub owned by her uncle. Inside those four walls, she met her husband, best friend, and discovered the magic of classic rock, managing to put herself through Kingsborough Community College and the English program at Pace University at the same time. Several stunted attempts to enter the work force as a journalist followed, but romance writing continued to demand her attention.
She now lives in Long Island, New York with her husband and daughter. Although she is severely sleep-deprived, she is incredibly happy to be living her dream of writing about people falling in love.
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