Title: The Rules of Dating My One-Night Stand
Series: The Law of Opposites Attract #3
Author: Penelope Ward & Vi Keeland
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Publisher: C. Scott Publishing
Pub Date: November 12, 2023
Rating: 5 Stars
Our thoughts...
I love when these two talented ladies write together. They are some of my favorite authors and instant one clicks for me. I am so loving this series. This book pulled at my heartstrings in the best way. These ladies sure know how to tell a story. Owen and Devyn’s story was one I couldn’t put down. I just loved Owen, he’s the sweetest. These two had their ups and downs along the road but they always managed to be there each other. That’s one of the most important things in a relationship and these two had it all. Another great read by this awesome
duo. Must read!