Terri's Review: Yours to Bare by Jessica Hawkins

Title: Yours To Bare
Author: Jessica Hawkins
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Publisher: Jessica Hawkins

Pub Date: December 8, 2016
Rating: 4 Stars

Our thoughts...
Finn Cohen, he was my guy in Slip of the Tongue. I wanted him with Sadie, to the point that I might have been a bit bitter. He’s such a romantic; I wanted him to have that once in a life time love.  Needless to say I was thrilled when I heard that Jessica was writing his book.  I will say it’s perfect!

Terri's Review: Scarlet Stone by Jewel E. Ann

Title: Scarlet Stone
Author: Jewel E. Ann
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Publisher: Jewel E. Ann

Pub Date: December 10, 2016
Rating: 3.75 Stars

Our thoughts...
This book is full of ups and downs, love and hate, anger and forgiveness, lies and truths. It will be a ride that you will not forget anytime soon.

Ashley's Review: Yours to Bare by Jessica Hawkins

Title: Yours to Bare
Author: Jessica Hawkins
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Publisher: Jessica Hawkins

Pub Date: December 8, 2016
Rating: 4 Stars

Our thoughts...

Yay we get more Finn! I loved Finn in Slip of the Tongue and hoped he would finally get the girl. I was so excited we were going to get his story and knew I was going to love it.

Release Blitz & Giveaway: Scarlet Stone by Jewel E. Ann


Title: Scarlet Stone
Author: Jewel E Ann
Genre: A romantic suspense standalone
Release Date: December 10th, 2016

Terri's Review: Hit The Spot by J. Daniels

Title: Hit The Spot
Series: Dirty Deeds #2

Author:J. Daniels
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Publisher: Forever

Pub Date: December 6, 2016
Rating: 4 Stars

Our thoughts...
This is what happened when smart and sassy meets  a cocky and hot surfer!

Terri's Review: Womanizer by Katy Evans

Title: Womanizer
Series: Manwhore #4

Author: Katy Evans
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Publisher: Katy Evans

Pub Date: December 5, 2016
Rating: 3.75 Stars

Our thoughts...

I love the Manwhore series and couldn’t wait to read the follow up books; Ladies Man (Tahoe's story) and Womanizer (Callan's Story). Callan is the unattainable playboy, the one your mother or best friend warns you about. Beneath the façade is a man waiting for the right woman to come along he just doesn’t know it yet.

Ashley's Review: Hit the Spot by J. Daniels

Title: Hit the Spot
Series: Dirty Deeds #2

Author: J. Daniels
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Publisher: Forever (Grand Central Publishing)

Pub Date: December 6, 2016
Rating: 4 Stars

Our thoughts...

This series was off to a great start with Four Letter Word so I knew Hit the Spot would be good. After meeting Tori in the first book I was really excited for a book with her. She is quite the character.

Spotlight & Excerpt: Hit The Spot by J. Daniels

Cover Reveal: Until It Fades by K.A. Tucker

UNTIL IT FADES is a contemporary romance novel featuring K.A. Tucker’s signature heart-stopping suspense releasing May 2nd, 2017 and being published by Atria Books

Check out the gorgeous cover below and preorder your copy today!

Release Tour & Giveaway: Bad Boy by Elliot Wake

Happy release week to BAD BOY by ELLIOT WAKE
(formerly Leah Raeder)

“Wake presents an intense, suspenseful, and unusual tale of romantic suspense that will make readers question their perceptions of gender and relationships.”
Booklist (starred review)

“Wake…writes with abandon and razor-sharp wit…a fast-paced, mind-bending romantic thriller from an author with humor, heart, and big writing muscles.”
Kirkus (starred review)

“This erotic and suspenseful tale offers illuminating—and often heartbreaking—insight into the psychology of its transgender protagonist and compels readers to question their conceptions about gender and desire.”
Publishers Weekly

Terri's Review: After We Fall by Melanie Harlow

Title: After We Fall
Author: Melanie Harlow
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Publisher: Melanie Harlow

Pub Date: November 28, 2016
Rating: 5 Stars

Our thoughts...

I honestly don’t know what to write other than read this book! The characters are so human, flawed and completely lovable. I was sad when I read ‘The End’. I was seriously hoping to find out that there was going to be a second book for Jack and Margot, even though I hate not knowing a book is part of a series or duet ahead of time. This book was my exception. 

Jenna's review: Find Me Alastar by T.L. Swan

Title: Find Me Alastar
Author: T.L. Swan
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Pub Date: October 30, 2016
Rating:  Stars

Our thoughts...

I’ve wanted this book for a while!  I loved T.L's Stanton series and I was super excited about this new book!  It did not disappoint.  VERY different then the Stanton series but still so good!

Polly's Review: Downed by Jen Frederick

Title: Downed
Series: Gridiron #3

Author: Jen Frederick
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Publisher: Pear Tree

Pub Date: December 1, 2016
Rating: 5 Stars

Our thoughts...

First of all that cover? *swoon* 

I'll be the first to admit that I hated Ace in the last book. HATED him. I thought he was a self involved manwhore that could never be redeemed? You know my favorite types of books are the ones when I'm proved wrong!! Jen F. made me a believer and a Ace lover!

Polly's Review: A Veil of Vines by Tillie Cole

Title: A Veil of Vine
Author: Tillie Cole
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Publisher: Tillie Cole

Pub Date: November 27, 2016
Rating: 4 Stars

Our thoughts...

I went into to this one after already knowing that a few of my friends didn't like it so I was a little scared that I would follow the same path but to my surprise I found that I actually enjoyed it.

Blog Tour: A Veil of Vines by Tillie Cole

Release Tour: Womanizer by Katy Evans