Terri's Review: The Wright Mistake by K.A. Linde

Title: The Wright Mistake
Series: Wright #3

Author: K.A. Linde
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Publisher: K.A. Linde

Pub Date: August 8, 2017
Rating: 4 Stars

Our thoughts...

This book was a roller coaster ride of emotions. The push and pull between Austin and Julia is intense. I couldn’t turn the pages fast enough.

This story is all full of emotions that I wasn't expecting. Dang Kyla! You had me in tears multiple times during this book, but one scene hit a little too close to home for me or what could’ve been my future. 

Julia’s character is one of my favorite so far in the series. She’s one tough broad. She knows what she wants, she isn’t going to put up with any Sh!t; she is hiding a lot in order to protect herself. When she finally opens up to her friends and Austin that is when the water works started. Her strength is amazing.

Austin is living inside of a bottle of booze. But hey, we knew that based on the other books. We just didn’t know why the guy who can have it all chose to live that way. He really wormed his way into my heart. I had tears in my eyes during one of their family meetings…vague line I know but I can’t give away the story but it really pulled at the heart strings.

I can’t wait for Morgan’s book and I really hope that Sutton gets a book. Please give Sutton a book!!  Overall another great book to the Wright series.  

This is a MUST READ!

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