Review: The Aftermath by R.J. Prescott

Title: The Aftermath
Author: R.J. Prescott

Genre: Contemporary Romance
Publisher: Grand Central Publishing

Pub Date: December 15, 2015
Rating: 5 Stars

Our thoughts...

I missed these characters so much!  I’m so glad I was able to read this book a little early.  I couldn’t wait to get my hands on it.  It was nice to be back in the lives of the two main characters, Cormac and Emily.  However, I missed all the fun and craziness of the characters from Driscoll’s gym family as well.

This is book two and I believe the final in The Hurricane series.  It is so sad to see them go.  I didn’t want this book to be over and I really don’t want this series to end.  I really hope that one day we can read more about all these lovable characters. 

This book begins right after the ending of the first book.  Trial is getting ready to start for Frank, Em’s stepfather and abuser.  You follow these events and all the heart break and stuff that these characters go through during the trail and the training of Cormac’s first title fight.  It’s raw, it’s emotional, and it makes you laugh out loud.  I couldn’t put this book down and I don’t ever want to put it down.  The connection I had to these characters was just wonderful. 

I highly recommend reading this series.  It was one of my top reads of 2015 for both books.  The writing is wonderful and I can’t believe this is only R.J Prescott’s second book.  Look at that COVER! Wow they keep getting better.  I hope this author keeps on writing and doesn’t make me wait long! 5 magnificent stars!

Read it!


  1. Thanks for review and recommendations! I really enjoyed the first one!

  2. Thanks for review and recommendations! I really enjoyed the first one!
