Title: An Ember in the Ashes
Author: Sabaa Tahir
Genre: YA Fantasy
Publisher: Listening Library
Pub Date: April 2015
Story Rating: 5 Stars
Narration Rating: 5 Stars
Our thoughts...
Captivating ~ Perseverance ~ Inner Strength
Do not judge this by its Young Adult label. The plot and writing are far beyond the YA stereotype that so many non-YA-loving people fear. An Ember in the Ashes is rich, complex and unlike anything I was anticipating. Sabaa Tahir does not waste a single moment in this book. There are no fillers, no lagging scenes, no parts worth skipping. I was constantly feeling anxious while reading this, not necessarily due to foreboding suspense, but also because of pure excitement; the chapter endings, in particular, left me with a tense sort of masochistic joy.