Title: The Issue with Bad Boy Roommates
Series: Lake Starlight #2
Author: Piper Rayne
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Publisher: Piper Rayne
Rating: 5 Stars
After listening to the first book in this series and meeting Brinley I was hoping we’d get her story. She was a widow at a young age and is clinging to the past and scared to move on. From the moment she met Van there was attraction. These two have this pull to one another.
With them being roommates things are complicated and better left as roommates. Van and Brinley are both keeping a big secret from the other. I loved seeing Brinley open up and start to act like her old self. These two bring out the best in each other.
The narrators were perfect and had me falling for these characters and listening way too late. The Issue with Bad Boy Roommates with make you laugh and pull at your heart strings. If you haven’t started this series what are you waiting for? Start now!
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