Review: A Court of Thorns and Roses

Title: A Court of Thorns and Roses
Author: Sarah J. Maas

Genre: Fantasy
Publisher: Bloomsbury Children's

Pub Date: May 5, 2015
Rating: 5 Stars

Our thoughts...

Oh my god. This book was every bit of perfection I could have ever imagined. The world of Fae brought to a different level then I have ever read in my entire life, and anyone who knows me, knows my love of Fae stories period. I was swept away from a human realm tossed into a place so vibrant and full of repose. I can't even grasp how exceptional a fantasy novel this good could be completed. I am just amazed. I thank my lucky stars I had a friend whom had read this before me. She was just as excited about my thoughts, and reactions. As I could not keep quiet even for one chapter.

The heroine was every bit of virtuous, and real then I could possibly imagine. She was the real deal. She spoke truth, she had a SPINE, and it is so very hard to find heroines that are just as kick ass as she is. I laughed with her, I cried with her, and I grieved with her. She is every type of character I would ever want to be. In the real world as well as the magical one.

Let’s talk about Tamlin. Dear baby Jesus if you were to ever give me someone to fall in love with like this I would be anything, and everything for you. I cannot even express the finite words to put into such a great alpha male lead. He is just everything.

Lucien. My dear sweet Lucien. You are so full of honesty, and you made me laugh all the time. Your total devotion to my High Lord Tamlin made me swoon at your very essence. You are one of the best supporting characters I have ever had the pleasure of reading. I hope to god you get a story of your own.

Rhys. The devil high lord himself. Oh how I hated you in the beginning. You were mean, you were full of rage, and anger. You had the blackest of hearts, but oh how you made me love you. I still only love Tamlin, but you are up and coming I have no doubt about that my sinful little black winged lord.

Last but not least I cannot forget Feyre's sister Nesta. Oh could you be something. I hated you too. You were every bit of awful that a jealous sister could be, but in the end you showed your true colors, I cannot wait to see you come in to the full story with ash arrows a blazing. Please don't stay away forever.

And to Amaeratha- Rot.In.Hell. You stupid evil asshole.

As you can see I beg of these characters, I hold them tight to my brain, so that they will be there for a very very long time. I will always feel a part of your world, and I cannot fathom ever not have been a part of it.

This is why I read. This book is all a person could ever need.

A million stars.~

*Favorite Quote*

“I would have been gentle with you, though.” I shuddered as I closed my eyes. Every inch of my body went taut as his words echoed through me. “I would have had you moaning my name throughout it all. And I would have taken a very, very long time, Feyre.” He said my name like a caress, and his hot breath tickled my ear."

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