Terri's Review: Exrated by Stevie J. Cole

Author: Stevie J. Cole
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Publisher: Stevie J. Cole

Pub Date: May 2, 2016
Rating: 3 Stars

Our thoughts...

In all honesty Exrated wasn’t the book for me. I reminded me of another ‘porn star’ book that is out there. The entire book is Tyler wanting to get Jemma back yet continuing to be a porn star, knowing that she hates it. 

Jemma is the young actress who happened to have a personal video released that halted her career. I was frustrated with Jemma’s back and forth with Tyler; can ‘I overlook his career?’ ‘No I can’t stand what he does’. Just make up your mind, stop the back and forth.

Tyler is a college dropout, but a smart one. He was going to school to be a lawyer, partying got in the way, he slept with a porn star hence it started his career. He should’ve known you can’t get the girl if you keep doing what she hates.

There is a HEA. I liked the ending. This book could’ve been so much more had Tyler pulled his dick out of the porn industry sooner, made the decision to be with Jemma and stop making porn! I wish the ending would have happened sooner and then continued on with the struggles of say ‘leaving the porn industry’, trying to make a relationship work with an ‘ex-porn star’.  

I am in the minority with this book. My peers are loving it so, read it and make your own decision. 

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