Ashley's Review: Twisted Reality by Heidi McLaughlin

Title: Twisted Reality
Series: Blind Reality #2

Author: Heidi McLaughlin
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Publisher: Heidi McLaughlin

Pub Date: August 16, 2016
Rating: 4 Stars

Our thoughts...

I love the cover! I was so excited when I found out were getting more of Joshua and Joey’s story. Blind Reality was so good and left you hanging wondering what was going to happen.  Don’t worry the story picks up right where it left off.

My emotions were all over the place and I was ready to slap Jules! She was one character I was hopping would disappear. I just love Joey, she’s sweet and loves Josh for the person he is not the celebrity. She’s not with Josh for what he can give her. She truly loves him. Joey is put through the ringer and still manages to be nice to everyone! I’m not sure how she manages that I wouldn’t be able to. She has a heart of gold.

Josh is trying to prove his worth to Joey after how he acted in the house. He knows he has to prove to Joey he’s not going anywhere and he truly wants to be with her.  They have a lot of obstacles to face together and hopefully come out stronger. Josh doesn’t know how a family shows they’re love since he didn’t grow up with it. Together Josh and Joey are explosive and are constantly teaching and learning form each other.

This was pure perfection for the conclusion to Josh and Joey’s story.  If you want some drama and sexy scenes you’ll love this.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the review, love when bloggers leave reviews because then we get a little peak of what is going on in the book!
