Ashley's Review: Nothing More by Anna Todd

Title: Nothing More
Series: Landon Gibson #1

Author: Anna Todd
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Publisher: Gallery, Threshold, Pocket Books

Pub Date: September 20, 2016
Rating: 3.5 Stars

Our thoughts...

I was a huge fan of the After series by Anna Todd and just loved Landon.  So when I found out e was getting his own book I was really excited. Landon was so easy to love.

Landon has landed himself in a love triangle and can’t decide what to do. He was in a serious relationship with Dakota that is now over. After moving to New York to be with her they were able to remain friends. Now Landon has met Nora and there seems to be some chemistry between the two.

Dakota is now realizing her mistake in breaking up with Landon and wants him back. She is very immature at times.  To me Dakota is the kind of girl who wants what she wants now. She can be shellfish at times.

I am looking forward to the next book in this series. I love a good love triangle that’s filled with angst.

1 comment:

  1. thanks for review! I have not read anything by this author but have seen her books at Barnes and Noble!I will have to check it out!
