Title: The Bound
Series: Ascension #2
Author: K.A. Linde
Genre: Young Adult Fantasy
Publisher: K.A. Linde
Pub Date: October 25, 2016
Rating: 5 Stars
done. This Novel will steal your heart.
I don’t have the right words to form about this book.
We had some questions answered while some were not, with new forming questions
beginning. Every single chapter had something for me, rather it was a new
revelation or an old one that was being answered.
I won’t make
a long winded review just for the mere
fact that this book does not need one.
The plot, the character’s, the world building, and the
magic will have you suspended in time. This book is a work of art. It’s one of
those books that will stay with you throughout your life. Fantasy lovers will
devour this. Everyone will be on pins and needles to get their hands on the
next in the series after reading this.
Now to decide the fates. Will it be Cyrene master of
all? Will she find love in Edric, Kael or Dean? We won’t know until next time, and that makes it all the more
Hands down one of my all time favorite reads. Ever.
Five stars.
great review thank you. I got my copy today so need to read it!