Series: The Estates #2
Author: Stylo Fantôme
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Publisher: Stylo Fantôme
Pub Date: January 17, 2017
Rating: 3.5 Stars
Our thoughts...
The ending of the first book left us wondering who would end
of with Katya. I wasn’t sure which one I was pulling for but was glad to
finally find out.
I love, love triangles and all the angst they bring to a
story. I think I went into this with such high hopes since I loved the first
one. There were parts I loved and parts I didn’t. I got frustrated with Katya and the way she
acted. Yes they all knew going into this what she was doing.
If you loved the first one and want to know the conclusion
grab this book. It’s a fast read.
thanks Ashley, so sorry it took so long to read this review, last week my grandson was sick and staying with us!