Ashley's Review: American King by Sierra Simone

Title: American King
Series: New Camelot Trilogy #3

Author: Sierra Simone
Genre: Erotic Romance
Publisher: Sierra Simone

Pub Date: October 31, 2017
Rating: 5 Stars

Our thoughts...

This book was Perfect! I still have a major book hangover and nothing sounds good after finishing this book. If you haven’t started this trilogy I don’t know what you’re waiting for. I have loved every book in this trilogy but this one did me in.

Thank goodness this book picks up where American Prince left off. Can I just say I was devastated with how American Prince ended! Ok so now lets talk American King, it was perfection at it’s finest. Embry is doing something that will change things for Greer and Ash. I was heartbroken and still hated Greer cousin Abilene.

So this awful thing happens that hurts Embry, Greer and Ash and changes the dynamic of things. This is where the story really begins and takes you on an emotional rollercoaster. Be prepared and have tissues on hand, I was a crying mess while reading certain parts of this book.

Sierra Simone drew me into this story and made me fall in love with these characters since book one. I haven’t read a series/trilogy is so long where I LOVED every single book. Words can’t express how much I loved them. If you haven’t read them you need to asap!

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