Title: Taking Turns
Series: Turning #1
Author: J.A. Huss
Genre: Erotica
Publisher: J.A. Huss
Pub Date: January 18, 2017
Rating: 4 Stars
Our thoughts...
I read
something a little bit out of my wheelhouse
this past week. I have read J.A. Huss before, but it’s been a long time. I was intrigued by the mystery of the book rather than
the erotica branding on the genre, so I decided to give it a try. Although it
felt a little bit rushed, I did enjoy
reading it.
We enter a
dark, profound and intriguing storyline
about a girl who was involved in a relationship with three other men. Each man
unique in his favors. I don’t want to get too
involved with the personalities of each one as I think that would devalue the
review I have set forth, and the fun is in getting to know these four people
for what they are.
The girl at the beginning up and disappears one
day, but don’t worry there is another to take her place. We don’t know all the
reasons why the girl that’s been in this
relationship has fled. At least not in the beginning. Things start developing
when one of the men find the new girl in the apartment.
They all
have some serious issues they work through, but one,
in particular, find’s extreme intrigue and want in the new girl. This
setting up for an exciting journey into the relationship with them all. I did
feel that I could have used more history with the guys, but we got enough to
know what was going on with Chella, and the story in general. I feel we might
have more in the next couple of books.
In all, I think you will enjoy this story as it’s
a short read. Perhaps we will get more history in the
future books. I look forward to reading the next.
3.5 - 4 stars
thanks Anjee!