Ashley's Review: Ego Maniac by Vi Keeland

Title: Ego Maniac
Author: Vi Keeland
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Publisher: Vi Keeland

Pub Date: January 16, 2017
Rating: 5 Stars

Our thoughts...

This is one of my favorite authors so I always get excited when she has a new book coming out. It’s always an instant one click for me. Ego Maniac was pure perfection from the beginning to end.

Vi Keeland delivers an office romance with two people that work against each other. While Drew is a divorce lawyer and Emerie is a marriage counselor. Sometimes its true opposites really do attract but the road to making anything come of it is always hard.

 Drew is divorced and work is pretty much his life and he doesn’t have time for much else. He puts in long hours and is good at what he does. Feeling sorry for Emerie he allows her to stay at his office while she looks for a new place.

Emerie has just moved to the big city and hopes to find romance with an old friend. She has her work to keep her busy but is constantly tortured by her crush always being with people other than her.

Drew and Emerie work relationship is good they both help the other out when needed. Drew starts to be very protective of Emerie and is not a fan of her neighbor. While Drew is dealing with his ex that makes him very cautious of his decisions. Once Emerie truly falls she falls hard and hopes he catches her.

This was a fast passed read with lots of laughter and sexy moments. I highly recommend this book and look forward to more of Vi Keeland’s work.

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