Ashley's Review: Beautiful Mistake by Vi Keeland

Title: Beautiful Mistake
Author: Vi Keeland
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Publisher: Vi Keeland

Pub Date: July 17, 2017
Rating: 5 Stars

Our thoughts...

Loved this book so much! Vi Keeland has a way with words and how she tells a story. She is one of those authors can pull you in from the first page. I love her writing style and am always excited when she has a new book coming out.

These two characters Caine and Rachel I liked so much. They were very relatable characters that had pasts they would rather forget. The banter between the two was fun and steamy at times. This book will break you and put you back together.

Rachel is sassy and a hard worker. She doesn’t let her rough past keep from going after what she wants in life. Music has helped heal her. There were times when my heart broke for her. Thankfully she had someone she could turn to.

Caine is a sexy professor that does not tolerate tardiness. His character is complex and at times I just wanted to shake him. He is living with a secret he hasn’t been able to let go of. Meeting Rachel changes things for him when she becomes his TA. 

This book will captivate you and break you all at once. A beautifully written story you won’t be able to put down. I highly recommend this!

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