Title: No Time to Cry
Author: Stasia Morineaux
Genre: Paranormal Romance
Publisher: Stasia Morineaux
Pub Date: September 30, 2014
Rating: 3 stars
Our thoughts...
“Nine Will Rise,
Nine Will Fall,
The Old Shall Replace the New
The New Shall Become the Old."
Nine Will Fall,
The Old Shall Replace the New
The New Shall Become the Old."
No time to
cry is a fitting title. This book is very fast paced, and by the end I wanted
to know more.
The setting
in which we have the heroine has me a bit perplexed. We start off with Isabelle the heroine whom
is into the gothic scene. She loves life, is a free spirit, and surprisingly
enough writes her own paranormal romance books.
Right at the beginning she has a party, and dies from a poisonous drink.
What she doesn’t know is that someone is there to take her “spirit” with them
so to speak. Yes her spirit is still in human form, and this is where
everything starts taking off on the crazy train for me.
The idea of
what happens after is a good one, however I felt the language barrier and the
definitions to be way over my head. I was overwhelmed, and extremely confused.
The author is trying to set up a whole other world, and even though she has
pages of definitions in the back explaining everything. It didn’t jive with me
in the book. I was not even “into” it until half way through. I felt like I was
drowning in confusion.
After wading
my way through the words, the story started making more sense. I thought that
the heroine’s “dream” state chapters were very well done. I do love angst, and the author never gave
the heroine a minute to relax. I almost wished she would have given the heroine
a little bit of a reprieve from everything to figure out why she died, what she
is, and how she was going to deal with all of it. The heroine is never for sure
of herself, and quite frankly I wasn’t sure of her either.
There are
still tons of questions by the end of the book. I like that it ended on a huge
cliffhanger, which alas leaves me wanting more, but I would really have liked
to have known more about the heroine herself. I think that is what disappointed me the most.
With all
this being said. I will be reading the second book as I think this author has
great potential in what she is trying to convey to her audience.
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