Anjee's Review: The Raven Boys by Maggie Steifvater

Title: The Raven Boys by Maggie Stiefvater
Series: The Raven Cycle #1

Author: Maggie Stiefvater
Genre: Young Adult Fantasy
Publisher: Scholastic Press

Pub Date: September 18, 2012
Rating: 4.5 Stars

Our thoughts...

I’m not sure what I just read. Wait I do know what I read. No, wait I don’t know! I think I might be losing my mind! 

I’m always one to look for a good YA fantasy, and this ladies and gentlemen is the book for you. It took me about thirty percent to finally get the hang of what was going on, and how everyone was involved, but holy smokeballs I was intrigued! It’s told in multiple POV’s which took me a lot of time to get used to. One character would say something from his POV, and the next sentence would be someone else telling you theirs, so I was like slow your roll Anjee you need to take your time, after that I fell into a groove.
I enjoyed this story about ley lines and paranormal activity.  A lot was going on. A lot to pick up on, and A lot to try to place, but oh the fun I had. I read it with a buddy, so that was a bit better, and of course dabbled in a chat with a friend who read it, but told me no spoilers for the future. UGHHHH I mean what kind of friend is she anyway? Not mentioning any names *ahem* *steph* *cough**cough*
I enjoyed the Characters in this book immensely, and each one of them has something different than the other. It’s a great dynamic, and I feel like they all belong somehow. Of course, we have some Villains in play, and it wouldn’t be a fantasy if we didn’t.
In all, I loved the setup and trying figure out what in the sam hell was going on. It was fun, and I am going to dive in head first with the next.
4.5  Raven lovin stars.

p.s. #teamGansey  

p.p.s #iloveYAfantasylikethis



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