Ashley's Review: Keeping London by Ellie Wade

Title: Keeping London
Series: The Flawed Heart Series #2

Author: Ellie Wade
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Publisher: Ellie Wade

Pub Date: June 30, 2016
Rating: 3 Stars

Our thoughts...

This book picks right up were the first book left off. Loïc and London have such a unique relationship I was curious to see it progress.

They are finally starting to see a light at the end of the tunnel.  The two are more in love than before. Loïc is able to push London out of her comfort zone and try new things. At the same time London is helping to slowly heal Loïc and let feel true love.

They are about to face a yearlong deployment. I can’t imagine that’s easy. There were some definitesad parts and the ending oh man! I won’t give anything away. If you read the first book you 

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