Terri's Review: Womanizer by Katy Evans

Title: Womanizer
Series: Manwhore #4

Author: Katy Evans
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Publisher: Katy Evans

Pub Date: December 5, 2016
Rating: 3.75 Stars

Our thoughts...

I love the Manwhore series and couldn’t wait to read the follow up books; Ladies Man (Tahoe's story) and Womanizer (Callan's Story). Callan is the unattainable playboy, the one your mother or best friend warns you about. Beneath the façade is a man waiting for the right woman to come along he just doesn’t know it yet.

As I said above, I love this series and there is a possibility for a few more books (woohoo). Callan and Livvy’s story is hot. He’s the last man standing, the highly sought after man in Chicago, he doesn’t want to be brought down. He likes his life. Of all the woman who have graced his bed, Livvy Roth, his best friends little sister is the one to take him down.

At times the indecisiveness between these two characters can be frustrating. You can clearly tell that they love each other, but are afraid to hamper the others dreams /goals. Once they commit to the end goal- the story greatly improves.

I found Womanizer to be a bit slow at times. Over all I liked the story. I wish we would have seen more of the past characters from the Manwhore books. Callan and Livvy’s story is told by Livvy. I would have liked to get a look at Callan’s thoughts. 

1 comment:

  1. I know what you mean, some of this series dragged in spots for me also, and I hate when the indecisiveness between the characters is frustrating enough to throw my kindle! Glad it had a good ending though!
