Series: Infidelity #4
Author: Aleatha Romig
Genre: Dark Romance
Publisher: Romig Works LLC
Pub Date: September 13, 2016
Rating: 5 Stars
Our thoughts...
It takes a talented author to be able to keep an
audience engaged and wanting more after three books. I'm repeatedly blow away
by Aleatha’s writing, her ability to weave a story that you never quite know
what to expect. Needless to say she worked her magic with Entrapment. This is my favorite work of hers. I have read
everything that she has out there, so that is saying a lot because they are all
I am truly at a loss for words, as to how to describe my thoughts
after finishing this book, probably because I haven’t stopped think about it.
Mostly I blame
Aleatha, you see she gave us these characters that are unforgettable,
gregarious and just plan awesome. They have infiltrated my dreams. I need to
know how this all plays out. I worry about them; See now I sound crazy. In all
honestly the story is that great! The character
are relatable, their love is genuine and steadfast.
where Deception left off, Charli is in
the Limo with Alton. As you can imagine Batman is pissed. But instead of a
complete meltdown, he understands that there is a reason why and he will find
out that reason.
I love Charli and Nox, I really can’t say anything
else. Their strength and determination to be together despite being apart;
there is no doubt in either of their minds that the other doesn’t love or want
to be with them. To watch their progression as a two individual fighting the
connection that they share; watching that spark turn into the blazing love affair
that it is.
Oren just keeps making me fall deeper and deeper for
him. I’ve always thought he was a good guy. I get that he has done horrible
things in the past but he does have some limits, namely his son and his two
loves. He will move mountains to protect them. Nothing will stand in his way. I
honestly don’t know what I will do if Aleatha makes him out to be a bad guy.
Alton and Bryce and Suzy need to just go. They’re
horrible. I can’t even talk about them. The amount of lies and deceit that they’ve
committed and don’t even blink at is crazy. I hope Aleatha has a special place
in hell planned out for them.
My final thoughts are this. Read this series, then
come and find me at The Review Loft to chart.
wow this book sounds so good! Thanks for review!