Tackling the TBR: 1-Click Check-In

Phase One Update

One of us has been far more successful than the other. One of us has their…things together and the other one is stuck in some weird undiscovered circle of Dante’s Inferno. The latter is also a bit dramatic. 

I would be far less motivated and successful (I use this word loosely) if I was doing this alone. I am thankful to have Liz because I have to, at the very least, maintain the illusion of keeping up with her. Phew! That’s hard work. I turned off 1-click everywhere but Amazon seems to think it’s still on. Combine that with my innate ability to rationalize and I am left with one new release I thought I had to have but most likely misjudged and will wait forever to read and some boxset that was on super sale that I know nothing about. But they were both on sale! I have to keep saying an ever-evolving mantra to prevent me from doing it again. I’ve managed to prevent several purchases, which I consider a win. Of course, there was that pre-ordered book that is part of a series I haven’t read yet that popped up on my Kindle this week. That was before my Amazon diet but it still made me cringe. 

My Goodreads shelves aren’t too bad. I started a “waiting on kindle” shelf awhile back that helps separate the books I want to read between purchased and not. What I really need to do now is weed. I went through a brief phase a couple of years ago that left me with quite a few free books that I know I’ll never read. They need to go, along with anything else that does not interest me anymore (unless I have already paid for it, then I need to at least try to read it). So my goal for next week is to pull up those daisies sitting on my TBR list and shrink that baby down. From there, I’ll have a goal of tackling ten books off of my TBR before I can reward myself.

First week with having 1-click turned off and I thought I would start having withdrawals, but surprisingly I didn't. Instead of one clicking all the great sounding books that were released this week I added the book to my Amazon wish list (they will eventually make it over to my Goodreads list once I have my Goodreads account cleaned up).  I have started the monstrous task of organizing my books on Goodreads and I think knowing how many books I have on my TBR list was a good reminder that I did not need to add to it.  

Speaking of Goodreads, I am about half through organizing my books. The plan was originally to import all of my Amazon purchases and tag which books are on my "owned" TBR list versus my "unpurchased" TBR list (there is a method to my madness, trust me!).  I realized that just tagging them as owned was not going to help me know what kind of books are on my list so I ended making additional folders to help me know what all I have. I have eleven folders, so this gave me the idea on my next goal: How many books  I plan to read off of my TBR list. My next goal of reducing my TBR list is to read eleven books, one from each category on my TBR list.  

Stay turned for next week's reveal - the grand total of how many books I have on my TBR list.

(There may be a giveaway for the person that can guess closest to the number of books on my TBR list!)

Previous Tackling the TBR posts

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