Series: Royally #1
Author: Emma Chase
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Publisher:Emma Chase, LLC
Pub Date: October 18, 2014
Rating: 4 Stars
Our thoughts...
Screwed is laugh out loud funny from the first page to the
last. Emma Chase writes the best men out there.
They are funny, strong, sexy, and a little arrogant and smidge asshole-ish
at times. You can’t help but love them. Her women are just a fierce and opinionated;
this is truly the best combination for characters.
When the Queen tells Prince Nicholas that he must
marry by the end of summer all hell breaks loose. With one last trip to NYC
before he must choose a bride, Nicholas’s life is turned upside down when he
gets a pie to the face.
Olivia is this strong, independent woman who is
struggling to keep the family business afloat for her family. You see, Olivia
lost her mother years ago and this business was hers. When her mother passed
away, he father became lost in his grief, the responsibly of the family fell on
her shoulders. What I love about her, she
doesn’t take your shit; she will hand it right back to you.
Prince Nicholas is used to woman falling at his
feet, jumping in to his bed; he has a NDA at the ready. You can never be too
sure when you’re a prince after all. Until he meets Olivia, she’s different,
she knows nothing about him other than he can be an arsehole when he’s
drinking, she also see’s the true him.
This story reminded me or Prince William and Kate. I
can’t forget Prince Harry; he could be Prince Henry’s twin if he were real. I
haven’t laughed as much reading lately as I did with Royally Screwed. I can’t wait for Royally Matched, Prince Henry is delicious!
Read it!
Great review!